We offer C-ball in the Spring and Fall. Reeds plays in the Davidson County C-ball League with Churchland, Davis-Townsend and Southwood.
Mission: Teach sportsmanship, teamwork, begin to develop basic baseball skills and most importantly... HAVE FUN!!!!
C-Ball is the first "Team Sport" experience for many children and our goal is to make that experience a great one. To support this goal, the objectives of the C-Ball program are to teach sportsmanship, teamwork, and begin to develop basic baseball skills. In this learning environment, the younger players will be nurtured with a combination of coach pitch and a batting tee,
REEDS C-Ball has been a terrific experience for the children, but we can’t provide this experience without volunteers. All parents are encouraged to participate in some fashion, whether as a coach, team parent, dugout helper. WE NEED COACHES! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW BASEBALL TO COACH CBALL! EVERY PRACTICE/GAME WILL HAVE AT LEAST 5 HELPERS.
If you would like to be a head coach. Please contact me: [email protected]. As a coach you have a lot of flexibility. You get to pick every practice day and time, as well as games.
If there is a certain coach or player you want to play with, please put this in the special needs/requests section when you register as I receive too many emails to keep track of everyone's wants and needs, thanks.
Thanks to all who participate as volunteers in making our league a success. Without your help it would not be possible.
Information Sheet
C-Ball may be the first "team activity" experience many children/parents have and our goal is to make that experience a great one. Our primary focus is to have fun while introducing the sport as a game to enjoy. Our focus will be on teaching listening skills, running the bases, learning how to properly throw, catch and hit. At this level, “if wiling” the parents are heavily involved in both practices / games. Volunteers can be full or part time – Coaches and Team Mom / dugout helpers.
How to prepare for C-ball? Use a tennis ball and introduce a “game” of bouncing the ball against a wall (without a glove). This simple repetitive action will support our efforts moving forward. The more you work with your child, the better their experience will be! You can also use the soft T-balls as well.
C-Ball FAQs and Dates
1. Boy/Girl ages 4, 5, & 6 as of 8/31/2021 – Cost is $100.
2. C-ball is offered in the Spring and Fall. Spring season starts in April and ends sometime in June. Our Fall season starts in September and ends sometime in October. Usually depends on how many teams we have.
3. More than likely practice for C-ball; usually one night a week M-F and one on Saturday before games start 6pm-7pm practices (time may vary depending on your coach); and games are played during the week and Saturdays in the Spring usually sometime between 9-1pm. and during the week in the Fall. We try not to schedule games on Saturdays in the Fall but this will depend on the number of teams playing and if we need to reschedule any games. (Location - Reeds, Churchland, Davis-Townsend and Linwood ballfields).
4. Leather Glove (soft, but not too small) Bat 2 1/4 or 2 5/8 (don’t spend a lot); Gym Shoes or Cleats/Rubber Spikes; Helmet, Baseball Pants ok, but not provided. Wal-Mart or Dicks usually have what you need.
5. Registration is open - Don’t wait, teams fill up fast.
6. Coaches will call/email parents week of TBD. NOTE** Coaches will provide game schedules and practice schedules once teams are made. Once teams are finalized, the coaches will reach out to parents via email a few days after registration has closed.
7. Reeds coaches will schedule a Picture Day for all teams to have team pictures made.